Job Opportunities
Student Support Specialist (30 Hours Per Week) - Work at a local K-6 school to deliver support services to students. Will work with students in one-on-one, small group, and school-wide settings to implement individualized goals and site plans. And will coordinate and provide services for students during out-of-school time.
Operations & Communications Assistant (37.5 Hours Per Week) - Assist our administrative team in organizing and coordinating all office activities and day-to-day administrative functions. Responsibilities include working with others to provide support relating to human resources, organizational communications, resource development, information technology, financial management, and general office management.
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Contract Roles
Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning Consultant - Children First/CIS is seeking a consultant to facilitate the process of developing a 3-year strategic plan to guide our work. All proposals should be sent directly to Natasha Adwaters at NatashaA@childrenfirstbc.org.
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Children First/Communities In Schools of Buncombe County is proud to be one of 400+ Living Wage Certified organizations in Western North Carolina. Find out what it takes to be living wage certified here.